Quite recently, global warming has become a central discourse. Earlier the term was only associated with environmentalists. People rarely knew about the Carbon footprint and its relevance to global warming. But not anymore, not only have people become aware of the term but are raising their voice regarding its consequences. But this should not stop here, not just the voice but imperative steps have to be taken by global stakeholders. The ecosystem awaits humans to behave sensibly and responsibly.
What Is Zero Carbon Emissions?
To understand what a zero carbon emission is, we need to understand carbon footprint and its relation to it. Carbon footprint is the set of total greenhouse gas emissions caused directly or indirectly by the individuals and industries. It has significant repercussions as it impacts the climate thus increasing global warming. The Carbon footprint is made up of two parts- primary footprint and secondary footprint. These include direct emission of CO2 through the consumption of energy for domestic purposes and for industrial purposes. For example, using personal vehicles for transportation and companies providing commercial van leasing deals, and throwing waste in the open air, and burning fossil fuel in the industries. To put it simply, we can say that the carbon footprint is a measure of humans efforts in elevating global warming.
Adversely, Zero carbon emission is a step to counter the carbon footprint. Zero carbon emission/ net-zero carbon emission is the reduction of greenhouse gasses by creating a balance between greenhouse gas emission produced and greenhouse gas reduced. It will ultimately keep the atmosphere sustainable and cease the growing graph of rising temperature. By this, it does not mean that there will be no greenhouse emissions. The emissions will continue, as it is nearly impossible to completely shun emissions, but will be cancelled out by absorbents in the atmosphere. The ‘Net’ in the zero carbon emissions indicate that carbon emissions cannot be absolute zero. It means that there will be no extra or threatening carbon emissions. But to get net-zero carbon it is very crucial to reduce the emission where possible.
Impact of Zero Carbon Emissions On People?
It is quite a valid question to ask how carbon emissions can impact people. In the simplest words, it is vital for ecological sustainability. Think of what are the most global challenges today? They are human rights, public health, and on top of that climate crises. The climate crisis in the future is going to choke human health and threaten their survival. Scorching weather, deficiency of clean water, and contaminated air are the possible consequences of global warming. It does not only threatens human life but lurks animals, insects, and marine life. Zero carbon emission is a step towards culminating the issue to make the Earth worth living for all creatures forever. The decarbonization, the reduction of carbon from the atmosphere, today will contribute to a healthy environment tomorrow.
The UK’s Move Towards Zero Carbon Emission:
The United Kingdom has committed to attaining a net-zero carbon emission by 2050. It is a remarkable decision and a step taken in the favor of climate. The UK government has made a remarkable move by launching The Green Industrial Revolution plan. The reforms and policies are already made, but given the recent conditions of the pandemic, it has impeded their execution. The UK's plan of decarbonization includes large scale plantation and end of the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. Therefore, new fuel cars will not be allowed on the roads.
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